Friday, April 5, 2013

tiling designs

Sonia Delaunay: I really like this fabric pattern because of how it connects.  The lines in each section are clearly separated by size and color, but they still somehow match up to each other and that is really cool.

William Morris:  I really liked this design because of the colors, specifically.  Blue and red are very contrasting, but they work really well here.  Also, the way they are faded gives the design a very old, aged look that adds character to it

Marimekko: I liked this print because of how much the different colors pop.  With the use of layering and having half of the objects be black & white, all the colored ones really stand out from the background

Japanese Prints:   I liked this one because you could continually copy this pattern and, because of how it was designed, the loops will always connect in the right spots, therefore making the pattern seamless

Persian Prints:   I like how bold and contrasting the colors are in this design.  It's really cool how the colors manage to be both faded and bold looking at the same.  I also like how warm colors are used for all the foreground objects and cool colors for the background objects.

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